My blogs have been noticeably absent in the last 8-9 months. For those of you who faithfully check in on this blog, I a) So appreciate and am so encouraged by the fact that you are even interested in what is written here; and b) Am sorry that I haven't been actively sharing with you what the Lord has been teaching me. I knew, when I started writing this blog, that it would be a system of self-accountability. If I hadn't written, then it would be obvious that I hadn't been lending my ear to the Teacher long enough (or intentionally enough) to really grasp what He was saying to me. And therefore, would be encouraged to stay walking in the Word, so I'd have much to report here. That being said, I will (sadly) admit that I have not studied the Word with as much voraciousness in the most recent months as I have at some other times in my life. But, nevertheless, the Lord has still been teaching me many things over these past months.
All that to say- I'm back. :) With great conviction and a real hunger. Not just to study God's word, but rather, to let the Word read my heart. As I reflect on my walk, I realize I have been all too comfortable reading the Bible for the purpose of studying to gain knowledge and understanding. While knowledge and understanding of His truth is good, I feel Him leading me even deeper than that. Time for me sit still and quietly, and meditate on the things He has written on my heart.
"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:14
Lord, Thank you that you wait patiently for me to slow down enough hear you. Thank you, compassionate Father, that the greatest treasure is not in understanding your word, but in knowing you and the depths of your heart. Thank you, for writing your truths into my heart. And thank you Jesus, that you are patient with me while I ponder these things as you open my eyes to the precious Glory of your Spirit in me.
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