Romans 12 and Matthew 14:22-36
I mentioned a few entries ago that I struggle a lot with discerning between the truth and lies within my own feelings. I think one of my biggest pitfalls in this area is that I have been expecting to find the will of God by listening to my feelings. I have been frustrated and disappointed when I have been diligently reading the bible and praying, but I still did not 'know' what God's will was for me. I believe the reason for this was that despite the fact that I was pursuing relationship with the Lord, I continued looking inward, to myself, trying to find Him. That doesn't even make sense! That's like looking into a mirror and expecting to see someone besides yourself staring back at you. It's just foolish.
The Lord has really been working in my heart on this issue. I have heard the verse of Romans 12:2 probably a million times over the course of my life. I read this verse for the one million and first time and it was almost as if I was reading it for the very first time. How foolish was I that I spent so much time and energy on my feelings, my heart and my emotions trying to find the will of God, when He clearly tells me exactly how to find it---- and it has nothing to do with my feelings!? In fact, this verse says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your MIND, so you can test and approve what God's perfect WILL is." It is very clearly stated, in very simple terms, that I am to use the mind that the Lord gave me to pursue His will.
What does this look like? Well, for one, the transformation that comes from the renewing of your mind happens by being diligent in many areas of discipline. But perhaps the most important area is, by protecting your mind from the influences and forces of this world. The only way I know to do this is to bury myself in His word and to 'pray without ceasing' (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NASB).
What the Lord has shown me in addition to this idea of renewing my mind is that I must stop looking into a mirror trying to find Him. I have to look at Him if I want to know His heart for me. Just like when Jesus was walking on the water to the boat His disciples were on, I am like Peter. (Matt. 14) Peter immediately wanted Jesus to prove his divinity and sovereignty by giving Peter directions and steps to take. Jesus's response was 'Fine, come this way. But keep your eyes on me." Peter did so, but the second he stopped focusing his gaze on Jesus, he began sinking. I feel like Peter. I've been sinking because I haven't been looking directly at my Lord.
To this effect, the Psalms have given me some very direct and wise instruction. And turns out, it's pretty simple.
Psalms 27:8 "My heart says of you 'seek His face', your face, Lord, will I seek."
Psalms 17:15 "And I, in righteousness, will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness."
Psalms 37:7 "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."
Lord, you are so patient with me when I am such a complete fool! I am so short sighted and have such little wisdom. Forgive my arrogant attitude that expects answer from you at the second I demand instruction. Your answer will likely always be 'seek My face'. Thank you for being so gentle with me as you faithfully repeat this simple truth to me over and over again. You are relentless and I worship you for that. All things, ALL THINGS, are for your glory. I love who you are and that you are my God!
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