Sunday, October 18, 2009


John 5

As I've grown in my walk with the Lord, I have had a growing desire to have His word ready on my lips at all times. In some ways, it comes very easily to memorize scripture. Because, there are plenty of times when studying his word that it comes alive for me and I feel as though it was written just for me and spoken directly into my heart. At those times, it's like the scriptures are etched permanently into my heart and I don't forget them. There are other times, however that I intently study for memorization so that I can have an arsenal of scriptures to use for witnessing with, encouraging with and clinging to. After all, 1 Peter 3 instructs that as believers, we are to have a ready defense.

I know that in my walk with the Lord there are going to be times when I feel like I am running and could run for days without resting, and it's wholly invigorating, not exhausting. I also know that at other times, it will be a struggle, for whatever reason, for me to be able to even get my tennis shoes on to go for a jog around the block with Him. But regardless of my mood or depth of pursuit on any one particular day, I do want to at least get my shoes on and get out to walk with Him, everyday.

In trying to honor Him, I have found myself in the last week or so reading the bible just to say to myself that I had 'gone for a walk' with the Lord, almost to check off my list that I had done right by him. I have, after all, been trying to commit His word to memory and I have been commanded to do so, so by default, aren't I being obedient and therefore honoring Him?

I can explain away my behavior with logic all I want, but at the end of the day, the Lord doesn't want mere behavior from me. I don't believe he cares that much about what I do if his first and foremost desire is not fulfilled--- to have relationship with me. I was reading in John 5 a few days ago and reading verses 39-40 it was like Jesus was thumping me on the head saying 'Don't you get it?! Here's what you should be doing! Pursue ME. Not just my word, but ME. I want relationship with you. And you need relationship with me!'

While it is good for me to commit His word to memory, it is not enough. Jesus doesn't want my head full of His words and that's it. Jesus wants my heart. I have always known this and yet it is so easy for me to forget amongst all the chaos and noise of life. He wants my heart. He wants me to pursue, desire, commit to HIM and our relationship. When I remember this, my heart brims over with joy. There is so much freedom in knowing that all He wants is for me to let go and give myself wholly to Him. And in that freedom, my beautiful joy is found.

Thank you, sweet and faithful Jesus, that what you desire most is my heart. Thank you that no matter what I do, it doesn't matter if I do it outside of relationship with you. I want to honor you and be obedient to you. Please keeping speaking your truth into my heart that the only way I can begin to do those things is by having relationship with you.

Hebrews 11:6 "For without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

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