Friday, August 20, 2010


Since I have been a christian virtually all my life, (even if at times only in profession, rather than relationship and action) I have pursued knowing God for most of my life. Since I have an understanding about who God is, what his word says and general principles about how he operates, I have felt, for a long time, that I have 'known' God. While this is true that I know him, I am realizing now that there are so many more layers to the depths of knowledge of him. As I write this even now, I think about people that I 'know': I 'know' the guy who lives two doors down from me-- we say hello when we pass by in the morning. I 'know' my boss at work, we talk everyday. I 'know' my pastor at church- although we have only spoken face to face once. I 'know' my best friend since elementary school. I 'know' my brothers, sister and parents. And, I 'know' myself. Lots of different ways to 'know' someone, right? I'm learning now, that relationship with God isn't about 'knowing' him as we are used to knowing people. What God is teaching me today, is that they only way I can know him (beyond the way I 'know' my neighbor and my boss) is in being known by him.

Picture a 90 year old woman who is an invalid. She must be spoon fed, she must be dressed by someone, she must be pushed around in a wheelchair, she must even be bathed, completey naked, by another person--- she is incapable of doing any of these things for herself. Picture now, that I am that invalid old woman. The Lord, in his tenderness, is showing me, that even in my most simple of needs, I am incapable of caring for myself. I cannot feed myself, he must. I cannot direct my own 'steps' in my wheelchair, he must guide and propel me. And, as much as I resist and dislike being completely bare naked before him to get my bath-- there is an unbelievably sweet comfort in doing so. With the precision with which feeds me, the careful care he takes in guiding me, and the tender respect with which he bathes me, in my utter nakedness, I KNOW that he loves me. It's in being bare before him, with him seeing all, knowing all, and doing all that I can know his heart for me. He cares for me tenderly because he loves me. In my infirmities and the needs they cause, it is HE who cares for me. When I am too weak to pick up my spoon and feed myself, it is He who feeds me. When I am too frail to stand from my wheelchair, it is He who carries me into the bed. It is HE who meets all my needs and is with me every moment awaiting readily. He knows my every need and exactly the moment I need it. I've never known a love so sweet. I've never known my Lord so well. And the sweetest part is, this is only the beginning! He has all of eternity to show me more and more of who he is. My lesson today? Just let go, get undressed and get in the tub. He loves me enough for it to be ok. That's the Jesus I know.

Lord, there is so much peace in comfort in being known. Your word says you have searched me and you know me. You know all my ways, all my thoughts, all my actions even before they are. And yet, you still love me. I cannot fathom your love for me. But, I know that it is true, and it is for me. Thank you, sweet Jesus, my savior and king, that you love me with such a complete tenderness. You are the lover of my soul. I am so glad that I am yours.

VIDEO/SONG: "Psalm 139 (You are there)" by Mercy Me

Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
John 3:16 "But God so loved the world [you and me], that he gave his only son, that we might not perish, but have everlasting life."
Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, he mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
Deuteronomy 14:2 "The Lord chose YOU to be his treasure possesion."

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