Monday, July 13, 2009


Monday, July 13, 2009
Today's Read: Psalms 90-93

To me, Psalms is quite possibly the most beautiful book in the bible. In the new testament, we are told that the greatest of all commandments is 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' (Matthew 22:37). For myself, this has always been easier said than done. Obedience, following conviction, 'running the good race'; these are all much easier things to do, when it comes down to it. All these things that we are asked to do require mostly discipline and a certain amount of faith. But how do you possibly follow this, the greatest of all commandments? After all, our hearts can only be spent on so many things, and if we give the largest portion to our Lord, what is there that's left for the rest of the world, for our families, for our coworkers and friends, for the lost? Or more frankly, for ourselves? Even if we can get to a point of faith where we desire obedience to the Lord in this greatest commandment, it is impossible for us to complete this task on our own.

Thus, intro Psalms. To me, Psalms has always been the easiest book of the bible to read, because I see so much of myself and my life in it. I see my heart's reflection in the soul of someone who struggles with the constant uphill battle that is finding peace in this world. I see myself in the authors who cry out to the Lord in their pain. The Psalms are so easy to relate to, because they are a picture of every man.

Even more beautiful than seeing my own reflection in the Psalms though, is seeing a glimpse of the true nature of who God is. Seeing a picture of the sovereign God next to a reflection of my own finite soul is so incredibly humbling. I cannot help but recognize with a worshipful heart, that this God is AWEsome. In fact, when I think about trying to speak to Him after seeing Him in His true nature through today's reading, I am left with nothing to say. My heart is swollen and my lips are empty. I am in awe.

Reading the Psalms shows me who God is. They reveal to me the person whom I am commanded to be madly in love with. When I truly see this person, this God, I cannot help but become overwhelmed with affection and adoration for Him. Then, following this greatest commandment no longer feels like a task to complete, but a treasure to cherish.

Gracious Beautiful Father,
It amazes me that though I am so insignificant, you choose to let me in the truth of who you are. I praise you for humbling me enough to reveal to me yourself. Although I know I am not worthy, Lord, I know that you CHOSE me! Hallelujah for the beauty of your plans! Hallelujah for the beauty and Majesty of who you are.

Psalm 92:4 "
For you make me glad by your deeds, O LORD; I sing for joy at the works of your hands."

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