Sunday, May 2, 2010


Todays' Read: Matthew 11:25-30

Before even doing the search on 'rest', I knew one thing God had to say about rest was this: "Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:29-30)

When I hear the phrase 'take my yoke, my burden' I am initially hesitant to want to obey that command from Jesus. Burdens, as I know them, are never easy and never light. A burden is called a burden for a reason. In addition, when I hear 'take mine' I immediately think "But I've already got my own load! How am I supposed to also carry yours? There's no more room on my back! My hands are all tied up!" For the first time in my life, I feel the Lord has given me some insight on this verse and this idea.

Jesus never meant for us to carry our own burdens AND his. The reality is that everyone has a burden, or a load to carry. In modern terms, let's call it a backpack--- we all have a backpack. When Jesus tells us to take his 'backpack', he never meant for us to wear two backpacks at once. It's actually impossible. Rather, he meant for us to exchange our backpack for his. What's in my backpack? The weight of loneliness, the burden of fear, the heaviness of uncertainty. In his? The freedom of joy, peace, fulfillment and purpose. Which backpack would you rather carry? Jesus', obviously. Me too.

Taking his yoke doesn't mean picking something else up, it means exchanging your weight for his. Got a heavy backpack? Jesus says "Mine only has a feather light load in it.... take mine instead." Don't like the food you ordered? Jesus says "Here, mine's delicious and satisfying, take mine instead." Lost on the road of life because your version of the map has no compass or key? Jesus says "Here, I know the route by heart, take mine instead--- it has all the directions."

When Jesus says "take mine", He doesn't mean to take his in addition to yours, but rather, take his INSTEAD of yours.

Jesus, thank you that I can unload at your feet and exchange my weight for your joy. When out of stubborn pride and foolishness I reach to put on my own backpack again, I pray that you remind me of the joy in exchanging my load for yours. Thank you for bearing the weight of my brokenness. Thank you for your finished work on the cross that affords me this easy yoke of joy and peace. You are so unbelievably merciful and good to me.

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